I’m not sure who won on Dancing On The Idle American Star Search last night but I do know that all taxpaying Californians got a win with the election results of last night. If the legislature hasn’t "gotten it" yet with dismal poll ratings, the No On Prop 93 to term limit extensions result, the Tea Parties that have and will continue to happen all over the US and California, then maybe the Prop 1F result will send the message. See that gesture legislators? Basically, the F in 1F stands for finger, as in the middle finger legislators have just been given by many Californians. Don’t tax us more, get it right, don’t trick us with bad deals made at midnight.
With the state’s conditions as they are, there isn’t really much cause to celebrate but a sense of relief that patchwork fixes did not get passed, a spending cap was not encased in the Constitution that doesn’t cap anything [which would’ve thereby ended the debate for good] that the debate must continue and a sober re-evaluation of what and how the state operates must occur. Indeed it is a 2nd chance to get it right. I’ve heard it said a lot lately "why waste a bad crisis?" No more borrowing, no more shifting schemes, it isn’t working. A systematic reform of all of what government does is due. The sacred cows have gone to higher pasture. Let’s get real, get back to basics and we will get out of this mess sooner rather than and later.