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Jill Buck

The Politics of Torture and Abortion

I’m watching "Hardball" with Chris Matthews, and they are talking about the ACLU’s insistence that photos of alleged torture of terrorists be made available to the public. The reps from the ACLU seem so sure that these photos will shock the conscience of the American public, and damn the Bush administration. But here’s what befuddles me…photos and videos and nurses’ testimonies about what happens to babies in abortion clinics has been out there for years, but that didn’t shock the conscience of the American public enough to overturn Roe v. Wade. The ACLU is counting on the same activists who will fight to the death to defend the horror of what happens in abortion clinics to be the same activists who will fight roughing up terrorists. I’m not sure you can have a bleeding heart for terrorists if you don’t have one for innocent babies. If photos are released of what happens to terrorists, then I would like to juxtapose those photos to ones from abortion procedures, and ask the ACLU to be consistent in their human rights campaigns. Perhaps California activists could write or call their local ACLU offices and ask for that. Here is the contact information for all the CA ACLU branches:

ACLU of Southern California
Executive Director: Ramona Ripston
1313 W. 8th Street
Los Angeles CA 90017
Phone: 213-977-9500
Web site:

ACLU of Northern California
Executive Director: Abdi Soltani
39 Drumm Street
San Francisco, CA 94111-4805
Phone: 415-621-2488
Fax: 415-255-1478

ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties
Executive Director: Kevin M. Keenan
P.O. Box 87131
San Diego, CA 92138-7131
Phone: 619-232-2121

5 Responses to “The Politics of Torture and Abortion”

  1. Says:

    Great post, Jill! You make an excellent point, which even more evidences that there is nothing “American” about the ACLU.

    Isn’t watching “Hardball” a form of torture?

  2. Says:

    Jill, your exposure of their continued hypocrisy is highly appreciated and spot on!

  3. Says:

    Good one, Don. (: Actually, Matthews has some great conservative guests sometimes, and today there was a young OIF Veteran who was an Intelligence Officer in Iraq who was incredible! I was inspired while watching him.

    Danny, thanks so much for your comments. We’ve got to keep our shoulder to the wheel on these issues!

  4. Says:

    Jill: Awesome post and to the point.

    You should have been on that show and I am sure the other side would have been deadpanned.

  5. Says:

    Thank you, Allen. (: