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Barry Jantz

Sunday California – Gray Davis Resurrected

Mom, wife and daughter today.  No time for more than some kwik thoughts….

Rolling Gray Davis out of mothballs in support of the tax/excuse measures on the May 19 ballot?  Inanely laughable.

Just so I have it straight, the big guy who ran against the budget mess created by Gray Davis, then exacerbated the mess himself, now taps Davis in a last ditch effort to fool the voters into what he claims will fix the mess?  A recalled and pummelled Davis is going to help pass this six-pack of Austrian backwash?

I’ve seen lots of campaign desperation over the years.  (Think Michael Dukakis in the final days admitting to being a liberal in an attempt to solidify the core base, when the campaign knew the rest of the nation wasn’t with him.)  

But, how any consultant worth anything can actually think Davis could assist to get a tax package passed is beyond me.  The yes folks already had the firefighters.  Pretty difficult for the no forces to attack that.  Now, Arnold and Co. have Gray Davis, the equivalent of handing a stick to the opposition.

Good luck with that.

Just about the most ridiculously dumb thing I’ve ever seen at this level of politics.

Oh yes, have a great Mother’s Day and a superb week!