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Jon Fleischman

Assemblyman Logue: Prop 1A – Death By A Thousand Cuts

For some weekend reading, I am pleased to present this commentary from freshman Republican Assemblyman Dan Logue…

Assemblyman Dan Logue

I recently led a legislative fact finding mission to Nevada where we heard from businesses that fled California’s burdensome taxes and regulations for a more welcoming environment across the state line.  We now face 11.2% unemployment in our state, the highest on record, with only three other states worse off.  In the midst of this crisis, on May 19th Californians will vote on Proposition 1A, a $16 billion tax increase that will cost the average family an additional $1100 per year.

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Assemblyman Logue: Prop 1A – Death By A Thousand Cuts”

  1. Says:

    Why are we fixated on 1A-F when the real issue is RINO purging. Playing nice got us 16 billion in taxes and if the California uninformed electorate buy the kool aid we are on the hook for gabillions more in taxes…

    The true sign of attribute of leadership is TRUST….you can never ever trust a RINO…so lets cut the chit chat and start the PURGE.