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Barry Jantz

Nehring’s Statement on the Specter of Republicans Past

CRP Chairman Ron Nehring Issues Statement On Sen. Arlen Specter’s Decision To Join The Democratic Party

SACRAMENTO – California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring today issued the following statement in response to Sen. Arlen Specter’s decision to join the Democratic Party: 

"Arlen Specter’s decision to join the Democratic Party has absolutely nothing to do with principles.  This was a poll-driven decision based purely on selfish interests.  Polls showed that because of his abandonment of basic Republican principles in the Senate, Arlen Specter, an incumbent United States Senator, could not even win his own Republican primary, nor win a general election as either a Republican or even as an independent.

"Arlen Specter decided on his own — no one forced him — to violate core Republican principles by voting for the wasteful $787 billion stimulus bill while every single House Republican, including California ‘s entire Republican delegation, voted with taxpayers in opposition instead.   We’re extremely proud of our Republican members of Congress from California for consistently standing with taxpayers while Arlen Specter was busy implementing Barbara Boxer’s agenda.

"The Republican Party didn’t leave Arlen Specter.  Arlen Specter left the Republican Party some time ago.

"Principles matter, and adding billions of dollars in debt that will mean permanently higher taxes for the next generation of Americans in order to fund Democrat pet projects is flatly inconsistent with Republican principles.

"Arlen Specter today proved every one of his critics right, and we look forward to encouraging our Pennsylvania colleagues in defeating him next year, if the Democrats don’t do it in the primary first.

"We look forward to helping correct the imbalance in the United States Senate by defeating Barbara Boxer with her sky-high negatives next year."