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Meredith Turney

May 19 Propositions Sinking in Polls

SurveyUSA just released a poll that indicates Propositions 1A-1F are in serious jeopardy. According to the poll, 42% of those surveyed will vote against 1A; 50% of Los Angeles voters are opposed to the measure. Opposition to 1B has increased by 12% in the last six weeks. According to SurveyUSA, “1C is defeated today by almost 2:1.”  

Since their last survey, Proposition 1D has seen a 20% percent swing against—although “any outcome is possible.”  Opposition is also up against 1E. 1F still seems to be up in the air, with support/opposition/undecided split three ways. Looks like Governor Schwarzenegger and his friends in the legislature have some serious campaigning to do in the next few weeks…

One Response to “May 19 Propositions Sinking in Polls”

  1. Says:

    Given the regional swing between north and south (southern CA being much more opposed), it appears that John & Ken are having their influence, and the feckless Republican party is blowing its chance to be in the vanguard of a taxpayer revolution. Figures.