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Meredith Turney

Today’s Commentary: Taking Back The Internet – Americans for Prosperity’s Right Online Conference

As I prepare to write articles and blogs every week, I often Google various subjects to help research my topic. Perhaps, like me, you’ve noticed that too often, the majority of the results are liberal blogs. Now that the Internet has become the primary source of information in our time, it’s imperative that conservatives counter this influx of disinformation with the truth. The only way to do that is to provide our own content online.

Recognizing the need for conservatives to take back the Internet, Americans for Prosperity launched their Right Online conference last year in Austin, Texas. This year, over 700 conservative activists descended upon Pittsburgh to attend AFP’s second annual Right Online conference. Just across the river from where the conservative conference was held, the Left was holding its own Internet gathering: NetRoots Nation Convention. Reporters split their time between the two competing camps, covering both.

Break-out sessions covered topics ranging from how to fundraise online, Facebook and Twitter 101, and how to shoot a video for You Tube. It was clear that many of the older attendees were activists who realized they needed to use the powerful tools provided on the Internet in order to be more effective in their efforts. During the conference, attendees and supporters across the nation could communicate via a Twitter feed set up on the Right Online web site. Using the hashtag #righton, conservative tweeters discussed what they were learning and how best to network nationwide.

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Taking Back The Internet – Americans for Prosperity’s Right Online Conference”

  1. Says:

    If party regulars wanna see how to raise money online, they should take notes from Ron Paul and son Rand Paul. Rand is having a huge online one day fundraiser affectionately known in Ron Paul circles as the “money bomb” this Thursday Aug 20th. His goal is to raise over one million dollars for US Senate campaign in Kentucky next year. Rand’s main GOP competition is Sec State Trey Grayson, who BTW was a Clinton delegate at the 1006 DNC Convention!

  2. Says:

    Oops, make that the 1996 DNC Convention. BTW, Jon, is there anyway us commenters can edit our comments in the future after we hit submit?

  3. Says:

    Liberals are zealots….plain and simple….fanatics…

    You see thousands of them in coffee houses paying four bucks for water, sugar, milk foam and a tad of carmel…

    They group think socialism, facism and Karl Marx is like a grand daddy to them.

    The reason conservatives do not give as much….they are trying to sift out the traitor RINOS….the purge takes time!!!!