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Mike Spence

Larry Dodge wishes the CRP owed him $3 million

Remember the $3 million that Duf Sundheim’s CRP irregularly borrowed from Larry Dodge to support the anti-tax re-election campaign of Arnold Schwarzenegger?

That saddled the new Chairman with debt. Interest payments were made and then the highly paid Sundheim convinced Dodge to use the loan to try force changes on the CRP.

One of those was to narrow the platform to one message: fiscal responsibility. Sundheim’s effort to use Dodge’s and others people money failed to alter much and the loan was paid off and forgiven. Remember those days?

Unfortunately, last Friday Larry Dodge’s bank American Sterling was seized by the FDIC. It became the 24th bank to be seized in this current environment.

One person told me it Karma for helping to elect the Governor. I kind of doubt that. Bad things would be happening to a lot more people than that.

I do hope that things turn around for Dodge, but I bet Dodge wishes the CRP still owed him the money now.