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James V. Lacy

Memo to Poizner and Whitman Teams: Cut the Crap

     If the campaign for the next GOP nominee for Governor of California is going to be won over fairly obscure inside baseball arguments about Silicon Valley business deals, we have already lost the election to the Democrats.

     Across the country and especially in California, the Republican Party and its brand desperately need redefinition.   Voters need to have their confidence restored in our party, and the most important need right now is for voters to understand there is a difference between the parties, and that our party and its leaders unshakably stand for lower taxes and less government.  This should be one of the lessons learned as a result of the recent "Tea Parties" across our state and America, and as Grover Norquist quipped, "it should take only a mildly alert Republican candidate to get in front of that parade."

     Steve and Meg: most voters in Republican voter rich southern California have no idea what Skype is, let alone whether their vote will turn on who made money or lost money on anything to do with it.  At a time when the flooring is giving way in our party to recall witch-hunts, statesmanship calls for leadership, not personal snipping.  Be leaders.  Use your resources to help redefine the GOP to win a majority, not prove a point in a Silicon Valley  business argument.

3 Responses to “Memo to Poizner and Whitman Teams: Cut the Crap”

  1. Says:

    James: AWESOME POST!

    The angry electorate wants answers on how to create jobs, stop raising taxes from killing the family budget and reform our goverment.

    Though, one would think that as wealthy as Poizner and Whitman both are, would grow up by not snipping at each other, instead of throwing their money around to win an office that is paltry to what they made in the Silicon Valley.

    I hope both Poizner and Whitman get a clue!

  2. Says:

    There is not much difference between them. That is why they have to start this tactic. They need to find some conservative principles. I won’t vote for either one.

  3. Says:

    Where do both of them stand on Prop. 8?