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Jon Fleischman

WPost gives kudos to Spillane from Poizner’s Campaign for Barb on Brown

The venerable Chris Cillizza over at the Washington Post has called a recent press release by Poizner for Governor Communications Director Kevin Spillane congratulating Jerry Brown on the 40th anniversary of his election to office the best release of the week and maybe the year.  After reading it left us rolling with laughter, we had to agree. Cillizza’s item and Spillane’s full release are below.  You can read it and decide for yourself.   


Best Press Release of the Week (Year?): California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, who is running for the Republican nod in next year’s governor’s race, put out a release late Wednesday congratulating state Attorney General Jerry Brown (D), a candidate for governor in 2010 in his own right, on 40 years in elected office. "That’s right, Jerry began his political career on April 1, 1969, when he was elected to the Los Angeles Community College District Board," said Poizner communications director Kevin Spillane. "As Brown seeks his third term as Governor, the last forty years have changed California dramatically. But it seems Jerry hasn’t." Well played.


Happy 40th Anniversary, Jerry Brown!

Kevin Spillane, Senior Advisor to the Poizner for Governor Campaign, issued the following statement today:

“The gang at Team Poizner wants to wish California Attorney General Jerry Brown hearty congratulations on the 40th anniversary of his first election to public office.   That’s right, Jerry began his political career on April 1, 1969 when he was elected to the Los Angeles Community College District Board.  (He soon ran for another office – California Secretary of State – the following year.)

“On  April 1, 1969 Nixon was the newly inaugurated President, John Lennon and Yoko Ono were going strong, people were still using carbon paper, an Apple was something you ate and the Apollo Mission had not yet landed on the moon.  

“As Brown seeks his third term as Governor, the last forty years have changed California dramatically.  But it seems Jerry hasn’t.  Professional politician Jerry Brown is always campaigning for another office.  When it comes to Jerry Brown and Election Day for California voters, it reminds us of the film “Groundhog Day.”  Every day is the same.  Jerry’s always on the ballot. 

“He’s gone from running for the LA Community College Board to three (failed) presidential campaigns, two – and now three – gubernatorial campaigns, an unsuccessful Senate race, a would-be Senate run, chairing the California Democratic Party, then leaving the Democratic Party and registering as an Independent,  spent years as a leftist talk radio host, a possible run for Mayor of San Francisco, then two races for Oakland Mayor so that he could rehabilitate himself politically, and statewide races for Secretary of State and Attorney General separated by decades.  Let’s not forget that three week trip to India to visit with Mother Teresa which he’s been campaigning on for the past 20 years (see his Facebook page for its latest use).

“As California prepares for a pivotal gubernatorial election in the second decade of the twenty-first century—Jerry Brown—what a long, strange trip it’s been. “

Well done, we say.

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