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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: 6,000 California Gas Stations To Close? This is no April Fool’s Joke!

April Fool’s Day is just a week away.  Wouldn’t it be a great practical joke if the State of California were to force 6,000 gas service stations to shut their doors on that day?  Just think – millions of drivers (maybe you?) running on empty, with no place to fill up their tanks…  Actually, it doesn’t sound very funny at all – and, guess what?  It’s hardly a joke – it’s actually for real.

As FR readers know, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has been on a multi-year jihad against carbon emissions – you know, so we can make some sort of “political statement” about global warming, since the actual impact of California government over-regulating its businesses and citizens will be nominal in terms of reducing man-made carbon emissions on Planet Earth.

Much of the draconian regulation that is taking place is coursing through the un-elected California Air Resources Board.  One of the vast array of regulations that they have issued in the name of reducing carbon emissions has placed an unachievable hurdle on gas stations in California.  Specifically, small station owners have to install new “enhanced vapor recovery nozzles” that will capture 98% of vapor emissions instead of the current 95%.

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: 6,000 California Gas Stations To Close? This is no April Fool’s Joke!”

  1. Says:

    I voted for Tom McClintock.
    I wonder where all those people are who were sucking up to Arnold?
    At least we can get an apology.