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Jon Fleischman

Congressional Earmarking – Good Idea Or Bad Idea?

FR readers know that in my role as a columnist and blogger on this site I have been quite critical of the system of Congressional "earmarking" that takes place in Washington, D.C.

That said, the party is clearly not monolithic on this subject since most GOP Members of Congress aren’t just earmarking proponents, but spend a lot of time and energy towards the end of "bringing home the bacon" in the form of federal funds for projects in their districts.

Today on the FlashReport I am pleased that we are offering a "pro-con" debate on this issue, in the form of two featured columns.  The first, by businessmen David Ellis and Buck Johns, makes the case in support of Congressional earmarking.  You can read their column here.  The second is the case against the practice of earmarking, penned by our own FR blogging Congressman John Campbell.  You can read his column here.

I hope that you enjoy reading to very different views on this controversial and timely subject.

One Response to “Congressional Earmarking – Good Idea Or Bad Idea?”

  1. Says:

    Good morning Buck. It seems like yesterday when we dined together at a CRA state convention discussing a bullet train from Vegas to Orange County. If my memory has not failed me you had some private sector funding lined up from Asia for that future transportation program. Would you label the $8 billion earmark for that system a good and proper use of taxpayer funds today?
    Shouldn’t this be privately funded?