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Jon Fleischman

HJTA: Tax Revolt Rally Report

This was sent out statewide to the members of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association after yesterday’s massive, successful anti-tax rally in Fullerton…

At least 10,000 angry taxpayers (one official estimate was over 15,000) participated in the 2009 Tax Revolt rally in Fullerton today.

A big Thank You to all the HJTA members who joined the protest against higher taxes and Proposition 1A, the $16 billion tax increase scam placed on the May 19 special election ballot by the Legislature. We know that many HJTA members were not able to travel to Fullerton, but were with us in spirit.

This event was just the kickoff of the campaign to defeat Proposition 1A that is being deceptively marketed by its promoters as a state spending limit. In reality, it will do nothing to reduce spending because it allows spending to go up every time Sacramento raises taxes. But what Prop. 1A does do is extend the just-approved huge tax increases — increases that make us the highest tax state in the nation — by an additional two years, costing taxpayers another $16 billion.

On Monday afternoon at 2 pm HJTA will launch its new improved website,, where you will find all the information you need — whether you live in Redding, San Diego or all points in between — to participate in the 2009 California Tax Revolt.

On Monday afternoon be sure to visit