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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Maldanado Unwittingly Makes Case AGAINST the Blanket Primary

As I began reading Senator Abel Maldanado’s oped yesterday in support of the proposed "blanket" primary, the great compromise in the budget negotiations, I was stunned by the following lead sentence, "When I was first elected to the state Assembly 10 years ago, I was elected in an open primary system."

Wait!  I thought he was trying to make a case FOR the blanket primary?  Now that he has refreshed our memories of the circumstances of his election, which we can now tie to a $60 billion haircut for taxpayers over the next five years, why in the hell would any thinking person support this initiative.

We now can quanitiify the cost of our last "blanket primary".  $60 billion.  Yes, this is the great outcome from the last time!   What a persuasive argument to vote no.