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Jon Fleischman

Maldonado and Fleischman on the Rick Amato Radio Show

Okay, so we weren’t on at the same time, or even the same night…

Last Wednesday night, Maldonado came onto San Diego’s Rick Amato show where he made his case for why he had to vote for the largest tax increase in the history of any state.  He took some shots at yours truly in that interview as well.

On Monday night, I was Amato’s guest for about an hour, and I gave some critiques of Maldobama (h/t to Barry Jantz on the nick-name).

You can get more information on the Rick Amato show here.

The two segments I reference are available here.

One Response to “Maldonado and Fleischman on the Rick Amato Radio Show”

  1. Says:

    I called in to the show, and asked Mr Maldonado “will his vote lead to a slippery slope that will end up changing the 2/3 budget vote requirement”