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Jon Fleischman

The “Norm Mineta” Airport

As I arrived at the San Jose International Airport a few minutes ago, I rolled my eyes at the signed proclaiming my arrival at the “Norman Y. Mineta” Airport” – groan.

Who is Norm Mineta? He is a politician of course. Mineta was Mayor of San Jose, served for many years in Congress, and also served as a token Democrat in President George W. Bush's cabinet, serving as Secretary of Transportation.

This practice of “idolizing” politicians by naming public works in their honor (freeways, bridges, airport terminals, and more) are misguided.

Government service, as a representative, is laudable and should be commended. But public works, paid for with the peoples money, shouldn't bear the name of politicians. And for those who think it's okay to do so postumously, let me assure you that Mineta is very much alive and kicking.

One Response to “The “Norm Mineta” Airport”

  1. Says:

    I agree Jon, they should take a lesson from Orange County and find a real local hero like John Wayne!