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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Dutton to Adams: Step Down As San Bernardino County GOP Chairman

Not everyone is aware of the fact that FR blogger and now infamous Assemblyman Anthony Adams is not only a member of the California State Assembly, but less than two months ago had been elected Chairman of the San Bernardino County GOP.   This becomes significant in light of Adams’ decision a few days ago to bust his "no new taxes pledge" and vote for the largest single state-level tax increase in the history of America. 

As an Assemblyman, Anthony will largely have to answer to his constituents for that action as he seeks re-election.  But as a Republican Party Chairman, he will have to justify maintaining his role at his party’s leader to the membership of the San Bernardino County Republican Party.

One of the members of that Central Committee, a rather high-profile one, has called for Adams to resign from his Chairmanship post — his legislative colleague, State Senator Bob Dutton.

Below I have reprinted a media release that was put out by Dutton’s campaign on the issue.

This whole issue of Anthony voting for these taxes has been stressful for me given that long before Anthony decided to seek a seat in the state legislature, he and I were friends.  I counseled him strongly not to vote for the tax increases, and he spent quite a bit of time walking me through his arguments on why he felt that he had no choice.  We agreed to disagree.

Anthony remains my friend — at least for my part.

**There is more – click the link**

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6 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Dutton to Adams: Step Down As San Bernardino County GOP Chairman”

  1. Says:

    John and Ken Show is working on some recalls….they have spirit how bout you….the gang of six has to go….they betrayed us and mock representative government.

  2. Says:

    The problem is Assemblyman Adams being attached as chairman of the county party is not going to help our organization very much when the base of our party does not want to do anything if not much with him. I do not expect the county party to be successful if he is still in charge of the organization. I hope something can be done during the March meeting.

    We need a new leader that is conservative, and independent from the Republican board of supervisors members of our county.

  3. Says:


  4. Says:


    While I’m not a fan of the tax increase, I’m not sure I’d agree that the six mocked representative government. Since the beginning of the Republic there has been an ongoing discussion about the role of elected representatives: are they elected to vote exactly how the majority of their population (or supporters) would have them vote, or once elected – and probably with superior insight into what is actually going on – it it the job of the elected representative to vote the way he sees as best.

    Of course, in a perfect world, both votes are one in the same.

  5. Says:

    The problems with Mr. Adams vote for the largest tax increase in California history are many and serious.

    1. California must learn to live within it’s means and his vote only perpetuates a long era of liberal financial irresponsibility.

    2. California must cut spending to live within it’s means and the place to start the cuts are “entitlements” provided illegal aliens. A single cut of all expenses associated with illegals would solve approximately 50% of our annual deficit. Please note I use the term “illegal aliens” versus “undocumented workers” which is like calling a street gang drug dealer an “unlicensed pharmacist.”

    3. The Conservative philosophy, long a corner stone of our Republican party, holds that government is not the solution to our problems, but rather the cause of the problems. Government intervention and action costs taxpayers resources and lessens our freedom. The only way we can lessen this activity is to withhold funds from government by not allowing tax increases.

    4. A proven fact of economics is that tax cuts stimulate economic activity by creating jobs which in-turn increase government revenue. The opposite if true of tax increases.

    These are but a few of the gross violations of closely held values that Mr. Adams has embraced. He should resign. San Bernardino can not realistically progress and strengthen our party with Mr. Adams as our party chief.

    Bill McDaniel

  6. Says:

    Thank you, Senator Dutton. At last someone speaks up.