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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Villines should assist Hollingsworth by calling a “time out”…

Early this morning, State Senate Republicans caucused off of the Senate Floor, and decided that they wanted to  make a change in their leadership.  Replacing Dave Cogdill is Dennis Hollingsworth.  I have known Dennis personally for over fifteen years, long before he was elected to the legislature.  He is a good man and will be a good leader for his caucus.  Dennis was a very early, outspoken opponent of this current Big 5/Big Taxes plan, expressing very clear and realistic concerns about the over $14 billion in new taxes that it contains – which would add roughly $1300 a year in new taxes to the average family in California.

This morning I thought I would pen a brief appeal to Hollingsworth’s colleague and counterpart on the other legislative chamber, Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines.  As a legislative caucus leader himself, Villines understands the importance for a new leader being able to take stock of his new position.  Understanding that Villines supports this current budget deal (a cause of consternation, but a fact nevertheless), I would like to urge Villines to put on the brakes on this current “force play” by Democrat leaders (remember, they have “locked down” the building).

Right now the issue is not the policy contained in the current proposal, but rather the process.  The change in Senate Republican Leadership necessitates a “stepping away” from this plan long enough for Hollingsworth to come up to speed, and to work with Villines to determine the unified Republican legislative strategy going forward.

**There is more – click the link**

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7 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Villines should assist Hollingsworth by calling a “time out”…”

  1. Says:

    How about if Villines just tenders his resignation as leader and the Assembly caucus elects a new leader who will fight for us. It’s obvious Villines does not have the taxpayers back anymore.

  2. Says:

    Either resign or be tarred, feathered and run out of town…

  3. Says:

    I like Sean’s idea.

  4. Says:

    Your approach makes sense. In lieu of a tax increase, Republicans should have their own budget cut plan that can be given to the press. Having a legitimate plan plays with the voters better than just saying no. If they have one, it needs to be publicized better.

  5. Says:

    Be on offense offense and offense..Republicans have been beat down by stinkin RINOS for so long they think being a sheep is an accepted disablity for political life…these so called turncoat leaders are a failure on so many levels. They should resign and be replaced by representatives of their districts that respect taxpayer rights…how in hector can anyone expect taxpayers to pay around $1400. per year in increased state taxes and government has not trimmed down at least a legitimate 15% in costs now and forever in the future particularily in the area of pensions, disablilty eligibilty as well as forever stopping free health care for life when the medicare system is more than adequate for government workers….this is all insanity, a ground hog day each and every year…a power grab to our serfdom bowing and paying to the government ruling class.

  6. Says:

    Yesterday I was on a conference call with business partners on the east coast and we were discussing our CA losses. They made the point that I was on the ground in CA and did I see any resolution to CA problems… because if there is resolution we could ride this back up.

    I thought for a moment and said even if a Republican sells their soul, six months later the CA legislature will be back to say they have another budget hole. I told them I felt the ultimate resolution will be collapse. Their reaction was we then had better reduce our CA exposure and start by dumping our CA minibonds. This seems to be the preponderance of thought money managers are coming to…. not only are they selling their managed portfolio’s CA investments but they are dumping all their personal CA investments. CA is heading toward being a third-world country.

    When CA collapses, CA businesses go bankrupt and wealth that people worked hard and sacrificed for through their life evaporates…. we need to grab a rope, hunt down the tax and spend liberals that caused the collapse, and the angry mob needs to string them up. I do not say this lightly, but some how those liberal clowns need to be held accountable for taxing and spending CA to collapse, and destroying our livelihoods and everything we have worked for our whole live.

  7. Says:

    No we should not call a time out. That is what has happened for the past 4 or more years. Just get on with it and then work together. Not sure that is possible till we remove more republicans.