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Jon Fleischman

Massive Tax Increase Bill Dies In Senate Vote

A busy period of time on the State Senate Floor.  Cogdill passed the baton to Hollingsworth, both said a few words — did a "grip and grin" for cameras.

Senate President Darrell "Lockdown" Steinberg went ahead and held the vote on the $14++ billion in tax increases.

On the Democrat side, Orange County’s Lou Correa abstained, and Lois Wolk, who was sick, did not vote.  All of the other Democrats, I’m sure with glee, voted yes.

On the Republican side, all of the GOPers voted no, including Maldonado, except for three abstentions — from Cogdill, Cox and Ashburn. 

Predictably, no Republican went up on a massive tax increase vote when it wouldn’t have passed.  Ideally, there should have been 15 GOP votes of "no" — but beggars can’t be choosers after such a long weekend. 

But, it goes on…  Everyone is still locked down…  Toothbrushes at the ready?

(Wolk came in, and "added on" with her undoubtedly gleeful YES on the taxes. — h/t to our twittering friends Anthony York with Capitol Weekly and John Myer with KQED.)