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BOE Member George Runner

Departure from the Golden State

It’s no secret that business and residents are leaving California in record numbers. But don’t listen to me. Read this column by Bill Steigerwald, a columnist at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

And to get a better idea of just how bad the film industry is suffering in California, read this Daily News article where writer Troy Anderson reports " the percentage of studio feature films shot in California has dropped from 66 percent in 2003 to 31 percent last year, said Amy Lemisch, executive director of the California Film Commission."

The story goes on to say: Jack Kyser, chief economist at the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp., said California needs to become more competitive. 

"People in California are just sort of sitting back, not understanding the implications of this, and if we’re not careful, this is another industry that could slip away from us, just like aerospace did," Kyser said.

One Response to “Departure from the Golden State”

  1. Says:

    Well, we won’t listen to you — we’ll look at data, such as that from the nonpartisan PPIC, which shows that there’s virtually no business out-migration from California. Businesses are attracted to our state because of our highly-educated workforce. But with your votes, you’re doing your best to create unemployment by slashing school funding.