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Jon Fleischman

Shame on the Sacramento Bee

I just received a “Breaking News Alert” from the Sacramento Bee. Of course I opened it right away. When you get an alert e-mail from a newspaper — it usually means what it says – hot news. Budget voted out? Wildfire? Another Obama nominee flaming out? What was the NEWS?

You will not believe this, the “news” was the Bee pushing out to it's email list an “online editorial” — “Call Senator Cox And Urge Him To Be A Hero”

That's right — this paper with reporters who I believe try to objectively cover news have had their credibility BLOWN OUT OF THE WATER. Clearly the decision makers at the Bee don't want to “bring us” coverage of the news, they want to make the news — and naturally they are trying to pressure Republican Senator Dave Cox into voting for their liberal dream – over $14 billion in new taxes.

Goldmacher, Sanders, Yamamura, and others at the Bee — welcome to the new editorial/news department. From now on, you should start your stories with your opinion of the news.

So much for journalistic standards.