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Matthew J. Cunningham

Senate GOP Caucus Goes Through The Looking Glass

We’ve all seen those "what they’re saying" PR missives organizations send: round-ups of media quotes praising the pet project or cause of the transmitting organization.

But it’s downright depressing to see one from the Senate Republican Caucus promoting tax increases!

It was surreal to open my "Republican Budget Solutions" e-mail the Senate GOP Caucus this morning, and find it chockful of quotes from liberal editorial pages, heaping praise upon the massive tax increase package being touted as a Budget solution."

We have entered through-the-looking glass territory. opposing higher taxes and supporting tax reduction is one of the few issues on which California Republican retain credibility with the voters — and it’s absolutely insane to believe it is worth pawning our party’s soul in exchange for a budget deal that is certain to fail as a solution to the budget deficit.

Sen. Dave Cogdill is dead wrong to claim this is the "best deal" we can get. Enabling the state to gobble an even greater portion of the people’s wealth while simultaeously forsaking the Republican Party historic opposition to higher taxes is in reality a death warrant for the California GOP.