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Meredith Turney

Opposition to Budget Deal Grows

As more details of the budget "raw deal" are made public, there’s going to be a long list of opponents coming forward to express their disapproval. Now, the Lincoln Club of Fresno County, led by FR’s Michael Der Manouel, Jr., announces their opposition:

Lincoln Club of Fresno County Opposes State Budget Deal

Fresno, California – The Central Valley’s premier Republican Political Action Committee has announced its opposition to the recently struck “deal” between Democrats and Republicans on the State budget.

“The increases in the sales tax, vehicle license fee, income tax and gasoline tax are an unconscionable compromise by the Republicans, who have now compromised with the Democrats eight straight years in a row.  The mess we are in now is a reflection of this compromise.  This bill must be defeated”, said Lincoln Club Chairman Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Der Manouel continued that the “reforms and spending caps in this compromise can easily be undone by the Democrat majority in future years, while citizens will be stuck with the tax increases.  In this economy, any tax increase will send California further into the abyss.  Relying on a federal bailout is pathetic, and the diversion of taxes approved by previous ballot initiatives is practically criminal.”

In tomorrow’s Fresno Bee, Der Manouel will have an op ed piece laying out further his and the Lincoln Club’s case against this disastrous budget “deal”.

The Lincoln Club of Fresno County is a Political Action Committee with the purpose of electing Republicans to all levels of public office.  In addition, the PAC is committed to advancing sensible statewide and local ballot initiatives that enhance the business climate and quality of life in the Central Valley.  For more information, political commentary and a list of our other endorsements, go to