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Jill Buck

CA Spent $22 Million for Sex Offenders’ Rent

Yes, you read that title correctly. According to a piece by John Simerman in yesterday’s Valley Times, the state spent $22 million to help sex offenders pay their rent in 2008. In some cases, the payout to individuals was over $2,000 per month. This money was evidently spent to help the parolees abide by Prop. 83, Jessica’s Law. By that same logic, we should be spending millions for paroled thieves to give them everything they want, so they won’t steal anymore. And while we’re at it, perhaps we should spend a few mil on cocaine and give it to paroled drug offenders so they won’t have to buy it and get in trouble. 

Since when did the government bear the burden of paying for people to comply with the law? The government didn’t pay for my last speeding ticket, or give me vouchers for taxis so that I couldn’t possibly break the law by driving myself anymore. 

I am astounded that someone receiving a taxpayer subsidized salary thought that those same taxpayers should pay for some creepy pervert’s rent, because we passed a law that says he can’t live close to potential new victims, even though we know the recidivism rate for sex offenses is incredibly high. 

I’m so outraged I can’t even find the words, so Flash Report readers…I’m counting on you…sound off, and tell us what you think about this.