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Mike Spence

Dick Mountjoy to Primary Assembly Anthony Adams in 2010?

I know people like rumors so here is one.

In Southern California the whole KFI John and Ken Show and their campaign against some Republicans keeps coming up. There isn’t a meeting I go to someone doesn’t talk about it.

It appears to have gotten the attention for former State Senator Dick Mountjoy. Mountjoy conveyed to me he was thinking of running for Assembly in 2010. He was really upset about Republicans voting to raise taxes.

Of course I relayed that no one has voted to raise anything at this point.

Dick has one more term left in the Assembly. The Democrats kicked him out of the State Assembly in 1994. Mountjoy had been elected at the same time in a special election to the State Senate, but stayed in the lower house to try to help the Assembly Republican keep their majority. (Remember Paul Horcher?)

In that GOP Senate Primary he beat Horcher and future Assemblyman and Congressman Gary Miller despite being outspent.

Mountjoy represented half of the current 59th (Monrovia, Glendora etc..)as a State Assemblyman and State Senator. He lost a bid as the GOP nominee for U.S. Senate in 2006. His son Dennis represented the current 59th until 2006. 

Anthony Adams was elected in 2006. In that GOP Primary he easily won over 4 candidates. The other part of the current 59th is in the San Bernardino high desert. That is also where a majority of Republican voters live. Assembly Adams also is Chairman of the San Bernardino Republican Party.

4 Responses to “Dick Mountjoy to Primary Assembly Anthony Adams in 2010?”

  1. Says:

    That is great news!
    Now we just need to find someone to run against Senators Specter, Collins and Snow. These types of Republicans (Adams, Specter, Collins & Snow) are the people who are ruining the Republican brand, trashing the principles that President Reagan so proudly stood on, and running our country into the ditch.

    More power to ya Senator Mountjoy!!

  2. Says:

    You mean to tell us that there is no one else OTHER than Dick Mountjoy from the 59th AD?

    We need new faces not recycled ones.

  3. Says:

    Dick Mountjoy is “recycled” in about the same sense that Teddy Roosevelt
    and George Washington are “old” faces.

    Mr. Mountjoy has been a consistent champion for taxpayers and personal
    freedom since his days as a “Prop. 13 baby”, and right to today.

    I hope Assemblyman Adams will do the right thing, and vote against tax

    Regardless of that, Senator Dick Mountjoy is worthy of our respect and
    gratitude for his entire career of public service.

  4. Says:

    Senator Mountjoy would certainly be a trustworthy ally in the fight against taxes, but I’d heard that he would only put his name forward in a recall. That makes some sense to give fresh faces time to compete for the full term. Of course, I am not commenting on whether any of this is a good idea just fleshing out the rumor mill.