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Jon Fleischman

The Republican Party has a responsibility to protect itself: The Resolution

I introduced the following resolution to be considered at the upcoming California Republican Party Convention — and it is my full expectation that it will end up being withdrawn because I believe that our Republicans in the Capitol will hold the line against all of the liberals and special interest groups that want them to cave in, to punish taxpayers, and raise taxes by BILLIONS of dollars.

The political damage to the brand-name of Republican, if our party is associated with a massive tax increase in response to a massive over-spending created financial shortfall, would be horrific.  A GOP supported tax hike could very well be a precursor to a 2010 election cycle where Democrats take 2/3rd majorities in both chambers.  You have to look at that scenario if the GOP can no longer make the case that we will oppose new taxes…  Especially since virtually every Republican running for election or re-election in 2010 have signed a pledge to vote against new taxes, and to oppose efforts to raise taxes.

In just one day, I have already heard from almost 200 state central committee members expressing support.

Here is the full text of the resolution I submitted:


**Note that multiple draft resolutions have been submitted for consideration at the convention, which address various potential facets of the state overspending crises, and how Republican legislators are responding to it.  It is the hope of the author of this resolution that as of the convention, there have been no votes cast by Republican legislators to raise any taxes and that the resolution below is tabled in favor of another heaping much praise on our Republican legislators for holding out against all of the special interest groups that want them to raise taxes.**

Submitted by Jon Fleischman, Vice Chairman, South, California Republican Party

Whereas, California already has the highest taxes in the nation in almost every measurable category; and,

Whereas, the platform of the California Republican Party is clear in its opposition to any new taxes; and,

Whereas, raising taxes would be terrible and extremely poor public policy for California; and,

Whereas, raising taxes is even worse when you consider that the state’s fiscal chaos has been caused by overspending; and,

Whereas, the political damage caused to the Republican Party brand name from Republican officeholders who support higher taxes is huge; and,

Whereas the California Republican Party has a responsibility to make it clear that individual legislators who are registered as Republicans who voted for tax increases did so in disregard for and in opposition to their own political party; therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED by the California Republican Party that for their votes in support of raising taxes, we censure the following registered Republican legislators:


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the members of the California Republican Party urge the party’s Board of Directors, Cal Plan Committee, or any other official party entities from giving any assistance of any kind to those legislators listed above; and,

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the membership calls for the introduction of a change in the Party Rules for the upcoming Fall Convention that allows the California Republican Party and Republican Central Committee Members and Officers, by their own individual choice, to campaign and contribute funds against these pro-tax Republican legislators in primaries, and in general elections, even if they end up being renominated as Republican candidates in future primaries.

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