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Assemblyman Curt Hagman

$185 Million New Lottery Building Must Be Stopped.

The California State Lottery Commission approved a $185 million design contract  for a new building. $185 million. The Legislature has already approved going asking voters to chnage management of the Lottery.

Why do we need this huge new building now. The cost per office is aorund a half a million pieces.
I just put in Legislation to stop the contract and divert the money to education.

The money saved will be diverted to help our public schools. 

During this budget crisis, the last thing we should be doing is wasting money and time on a building we don’t need. 

How can we justify this spending, while schools are sending layoff notices to our teachers?  Children in classrooms need the money more than the lottery bureaucrats need a new building. 

Taxpayers should feel insulted when they pick up the newspaper in the morning and read stories about stuff like this.

It’s unconscionable and this bill will stop it.