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Jon Fleischman

Whitman’s 2008 State Campign Donations: $634,400

For 2008, former eBay CEO and ersatz Governor Meg Whitman made $634,400 in political contributions reportable to the Fair Political Practices Commission, according to the form she will file today (h/t to her team for sending us a copy).

Who were the recipients of her generosity?

  • $170,000 to the California Republican Party
  • $250,000 to No on 5
  • $200,000 to Yes on 11
  • $3,600 to Tony Strickland for Senate
  • $3,600 to Danny Gilmore for Assembly
  • $3,600 to Jack Sieglock for Assembly
  • $3,600 to Audra Strickland for Assembly

We’ll send an inquiry over to Team Poizner and see if we can get his FPPC form as well!

Federal campaign contributions are reported separately, so would not be listed here.