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James V. Lacy

What, me worry?! About Taxes?!

     I have added up the reported unpaid taxes by various Obama Cabinet nominees and note that without penalties and interest they amount to over $210,000.  With penalties and interest, I think Obama’s cabinet owes or owed the Treasury about $300,000.  We haven’t figured in what Bill Richardson owes in addition, as his own pay-to-play scandal works itself out in New Mexico.

     What were these people, these Ivy League guys in Obama’s cabinet, thinking?

     I recall in 1989 when Senate Democrats stopped cold Bush Senior’s Republican-nominee Senator John Tower from being Secretary of Defense, just because they could.   Their  biggest argument was that he liked to take a drink every few days of what Tower himself termed "beverage alcohol."  Not a very apt description, but still, it was not that big a deal.   He just liked to drink.   (He also liked normal female companionship.)  So does everybody else in Washington.   And Republican Tower paid his taxes.

     Bush Senior nominee Clarence Thomas was almost defeated from his nomination to the Supreme Court because of an alleged statement he made to his immediate private office staff about a hair on his Coke can.

     But now these Obama guys get away with being nominated and confirmed without paying their taxes properly.   It is like getting an Eagle Scout rank without paying all your dues to the Boy Scouts.   Jeeesss.