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Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Senator Runner ‘Calls the Question’

Senator George Runner today was quoted as having uttered the most spot-on rhetorical question of the year:

“How do you make a tax increase when you’re still giving in-state tuition to illegal aliens?”

Yet despite such end-of-argument logic being stated by some of California’s legislators, the debate goes on about how to fix state government. Senator Runner’s quote appears in the Sunday Press Dispatch’s report about my good friend Assemblyman Anthony Adams’ surprising statements that he’s willing to consider tax increases in exchange for state budget cuts and reforms. Read more here:

The news of this from the Sacramento Bee led to an hour-long war of words Thursday between Adams and Los Angeles talk radio hosts John Kobelt and Ken Champou on KFI AM-640. Anthony’s appearance on the show is of course further indication that nobody can accuse the Hesperia legislator of backing down from a challenge. By reading his latest blog entry (, and by listening to the John and Ken interview (linked below), you can see he’s a bold, thoughtful and selfless leader who’s trying to force change … even if you don’t agree with his position.

You can find an archive of the interview on the John and Ken page at: or you can try this direct link.

Although I’m not optimistic as such, I hope Anthony’s efforts help lead to reforms of California’s broken government. But without tax increases!