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Jon Fleischman

Assemblyman Dan Logue: AB 32 – Kills Jobs, Harmful to the Environment

For some weekend reading, I am pleased to present this commentary from freshman Republican Assemblyman Dan Logue…

AB 32 – Kills Jobs, Harmful to the Environment

As a new Member of the California State Assembly I have introduce my first bill to suspend AB 32 the so-called California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006.  In 2006, on a party-line vote, Legislative Democrats passed AB 32 over the objections of the Republicans.  Authored by then Assembly Speaker Fabien Núñez, ostensibly to combat the effects of global warming, AB 32 forces businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2020.  Appealing to the politically correct crowd of 2006, AB 32 was hailed far and wide by left leaning political elites.  They could not have envisioned our economic downturn or the devastating effects of AB 32 on California’s economy and it’s environment – or could they…

There have been economic slumps in past decades and subsequent recoveries.  But there are major differences between then and now.  The military build-up of the Regan administration and California’s extensive military and defense industry infrastructure fueled the economic rebound of the 1980’s.  In the 1990’s the housing boom spurred economic growth even in the face of the Gray Davis deficit and the legislature’s out of control spending.  The difference today is that California no longer enjoys a robust military and defense industry economy and California’s housing industry is in a shambles.

It gets worse, compounded by California’s hostile regulatory environment, businesses are now expected to try to compete in a global economy.  Sacramento liberals may say, “Let them eat cake…” but the global economy, by definition, means global competition – for states too.  California’s implementation of AB 32 has crippled our ability to compete in the global economy. Our prosperity is not just impacted by neighboring states, but by other nations.  Competitors like India and China cheer our environmental regulations.  Meanwhile, China is experiencing an industrial revolution the world has never seen.  They are creating wealth and prosperity while we move money around.  China and India are also building 600 coal-fire power plants over the next few years, which, when in operation, will negate any gains achieved by AB 32 in a matter of days.

In response to this, the left claims “We will create green jobs like solar panels.”  Unfortunately, we are now importing solar panels from China and those panels are being produced by plants powered by coal-fired plants (carbon emissions) and shipped to America.  Because of our high land costs, environmental fees, impact fees, and over regulation of business, we will end up buying the green technology and products from Nevada, Texas, Mexico and China.  The growing chorus in business is A.B.C…Anywhere But California.

In the last year alone California lost 95,000 private sector jobs and our manufacturing base has been devastated.  An Independent economist stated AB 32 is a threat to our remaining 1.5 million manufacturing jobs.  AB 32 will hurt our environment.  AB 32 is a job killer, businesses can’t comply and remain competitive, so they are leaving.  This has resulted in less tax revenues for environmental mitigation bringing a halt to many programs that keep our public safe from toxic waste and limit our ability to provide safe, clean, water.  As of now, there are thousands of toxic sites in California and no money to mitigate.   Given the current state of our economy, AB 32 must be suspended before it suspends our funding for schools, law enforcement, parks, water storage, and any hope of economic recovery.  At its most basic analysis – no private sector jobs – no economy – no economy – no tax revenues for the state for anything.We will be broke.

But we will be politically correct and Hollywood will love us!

Assemblyman Logue, (R-Yuba City) was elected in November to represent the 3rd District. 

You can write to Assemblyman Logue, via the FR, here.

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