There is a saying popular among Republicans "There is an evil party and a stupid party, and it isn’t hard to tell which is which."
Recent comments by Republican legislators prove this saying. Some Republican legislators have indicated they would be willing to vote for taxes. The fight is over, the left has won.
Of course, these Legislators will say "I have conditions. I will not vote for a tax increase until I receive (insert Democrat concession here)." Democrats will not concede, and in about two weeks, those legislators will vote for the tax increase demanded by the Democrats, without program cuts, without a spending cap, without whatever concession they demanded as a concession for their vote because "I got the best deal I could get, and I have to be responsible."
Democrats know this. It happens every time. This is 1991 and 2001 all over again. Of course, except for Maldonado, who desperately wanted to be a Senator and vote for the 2001 tax increase, but knew that the two were incompatible, the other Legislators who made this week’s "reasonable" pronouncements were not there in those two negotiations, were not aware of what happened, and think they are doing the responsible thing. What they are doing is what all the "stupid" Republican negotiators of the past have done. They have given up. They will get nothing for their vote except two weeks of decent press from the liberal media as a personification of what all Republicans should be, and two years of hell for a stupid vote. Much like Assemblyman Bob Frazee, who told me in 1993 that the worst thing he ever did in politics was vote for the 1991 tax increase, they will feel guilt and suffer recrimination for foolish vote. Frazee, elected as a Proposition 13 baby in 1978, believed he had betrayed all that he once held as sacred, and told me that "politics is no fun anymore." He left the Legislature in 1994.
To add a Democrat insult to injury they have already done to themselves, literally the same day these Republican announce they might vote for $4 billion in tax increases, Democrats in Washington announce they will give $21 billion in federal money to the state. All the cuts the Republicans said they wanted now will never happen. The only thing that will happen is the tax increase, and once again, Republicans will look foolish. Bad at policy, bad at negotiating, bad at the principles in which they claim to believe.
That $21 billion covers the short term problem. The tax increase is no longer necessary. Republicans could go home today and declare victory. If the news reports are correct though it would appear that they have once again seized defeat from the jaws of victory. Oh well, they are after all, Republicans, members of the stupid party.
January 25th, 2009 at 12:00 am
Everyone at FLASH REPORT knew the RINOS will roll over like Lassie or Rin Tin Tin.
RINOS have personal convictions like globalism. Rip your fellow citizen by exporting jobs and importing cheap labor…leaving taxpayers with the resulting social costs of unemployment, medical insurance and education for the now chronic unemployed and exploited immigrants.
It sickens one to see the down fall of a great Nation due to RINOS.
January 25th, 2009 at 12:00 am
Oh please. Go out and start registering Republican voters. Stop whining, get off your butt and do something to help the party.
January 26th, 2009 at 12:00 am
“Government does not tax to get the money it needs; government always finds a need for the money it gets.” Ronald Reagan
No matter what they get they will find a need and spend it. Give them a dollar and they spend ten dollars…. and then lecture us on why we need to pay more in taxes. And of course there are Republicans stupid enough to get snookered by Democrats.
The Republican Party is in trouble because Congressional Republicans did nothing but spend, earmark and bailout. In this day and age I think I am the RINO… Ronald Reagan and me.
January 26th, 2009 at 12:00 am
I know what you are saying Ken… I didn’t leave the party the party left me!