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Shawn Steel

RNC Race: Bribes, Lies and Hit Mail

"DUNCAN’S ELECTION would send a bizarre message of continuity and status quo to a party that has suffered TWO CONSECUTIVE ELECTION CYCLES OF STINGING DEFEATS. – Real Clear Politics, January 23, 2009 

Private jets transporting candidates, elaborate slick mailers, letters from famous political leaders, robo calls, anonymous hit pieces and more, all to reach 168 voters. With the last contested election for RNC Chairman back in 1997 -when Colorado Committeeman Jim Nicholson was elected as the "surprise" choice, it’s easy to ask whether this is all necessary.    

Yes, especially if your voter profile contains an electorate of seasoned politicos. At stake is whether Americans will reconsider voting Republicans into power. Will conservatives get enthused with the Party? Can Republicans become the majority party in the near future? 

With an exasperated deadman’s grasp on his RNC Chairmanship, Mike Duncan’s campaign has resorted to anonymous attacks, claims of racism and blatant distortions of our outstanding challengers. No one can definitely identify Duncan as the source of the anonymous Gmail attacks. Of course, the similar design, style and email source of the attacks make it easy to guess the source.    

More anonymous hit pieces are focusing this week on all of Duncan’s opponents. That includes Katon Dawson, Michael Steele, Saul Anuzis and a reverse smear targeted at Ken Blackwell.  

The hits continued on January 20th, when Michigan chairman Saul Anuzis was blasted with more personal attacks by a "Pope Sigismund." Why a 14th Century Holy Roman Emperor wants to comment on a 2009 RNC Chairman’s race is beyond me?    

Next up: South Carolina Chairman Dawson was struck with a barrage of vicious pieces. All originating from anonymous Gmail accounts. All distortions claiming Dawson is a racist. What made this piece even more desperate was a phony Ken Blackwell email at the bottom the letter. Few RNC Members took the bait because Blackwell immediately and unequivocally denounced the attack when the original anonymous charges of racism were made. 

In a sign that anti-incumbent sentiments are gaining traction with RNC Members, the worst of the attacks came on January 22nd. Two different anonymous hits originating from fake Gmail accounts hit two of Duncan’s strongest challengers. A signed sugary piece by a JT Smith arrived against Dawson.  Real Steele also struck by an anonymous "member" of GOPAC. 

Steele’s record at GOPAC is remarkable. Despite the terrible Republican political climate, Michael raised over $8 million for GOPAC. The Chairman of GOPAC recently wrote a letter extolling Steele’s leadership in revitalizing Newt Gingrich’s vehicle for the congressional majority.

In addition to going negative, what do incumbents normally do to get elected? They use their spending authority and appointment powers to solicit votes. That’s what’s happening to your RNC. 

From several RNC members, I am personally informed that checks up to $20,000 each are suddenly beginning to be offered to multiple states. RNC representatives are calling asking if they "need" the money.

In the final weeks of the Bush administration, some RNC members were invited by the chair to attend private White House parties. 

The chair has up to 40 appointments for major positions in the RNC. Many have been promised. Even in the last Bush days, some Presidential appointments were offered to sympathetic RNC members. 

Duncan’s Campaign Manager Tom Whatman is an Ohio and Washington, D.C. lobbyist.  Duncan says the former Ohio GOP ED is a volunteer. Funny because staff reports confirm he is running Duncan’s campaign from the RNC Headquarters in Washington and utilizing both facilities and staff for the campaign. Duncan recently published that "he [Whatman] does not anticipate having any business or contract with the RNC."

Whatman has a personal and contentious history with former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell (Check out the attachment below.) 

Adding more spice is today’s assertion by Real Clear Politics that Karl Rove, who chose Duncan, believes he can continue to "exert significant influence" on the RNC so long as Duncan is in charge.

Test the RNC establishment yourself. Call the RNC and offer to volunteer. In an instant, you will understand why the RNC needs a house cleaning.