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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

State and Federal Governments – Lean and Mean

No room to cut budgets?

Here is a notice in today’s Fresno Bee, page B2:

Stonewall Democrats talk over farmworker legal help
Fresno Stonewall Democrats will hold a meeting at 6:00 pm Wednesday at Carrow’s Restaurant, 4280 N. Blackstone Avenue.  Diana Oliva of California Rural Legal Assitance will speak about legal services for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender farmworkers.  Details: (559) 266-92**, ckrugman@********.met.

Wow.  I never knew there was a need for such essential services.  I was left asking myself this morning – who would actually go to a meeting like this?  And why would any government agency fund this nonsense?

The existance of these programs is why we do not compromise this year on the budget.  As long as idiotic programs like this exist, we should hold out.