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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Burn, Baby, Burn

From the "Why don’t you tell us what you really think?" file, Chris Reed of the UnionTrib’s America’s Finest Blog has been noted in recent days for exposing the audaciousness of AB 32, including a FR "Golden Pen" selection last Thursday.

Reed also doesn’t mince words on the State budget situation, two days ago comparing his plea to GOP Republicans to one made in the film "Firestarter" (while sharing a video clip from the movie)… 

Burn it down. Burn it all down. Make it so they can’t ever do anything like this again.

In his blog, Reed provides a list of suggestions to legislative Republicans…

  • A hard state budget cap linked to inflation and population growth — with a big reserve.
  • A provision that autopilot spending requirements are automatically dropped whenever revenue goes down compared with the same quarter of the previous year.
  • An end to "step" pay policies that build in raises in even the most innocuous of public employee contracts — and a warning to local governments that if they don’t drop these policies, their state funding will automatically be endangered.
  • A requirement that state agencies get specific authorization from the Legislature if they propose to increase positions by more than 0.5 percent.
  • A moratorium on general fund contributions to the CalPERS pension kitty. CalPERS and its client agencies and members must fend for themselves.

Reed continues…

This is only a starter list. Don’t be shy. The insanity of the last nine years must be rolled back … Burn it down. Burn it all down. Make it so they can’t ever do anything like this again.

Thanks, Chris.  No need for me to write anything else today!

Everyone have a great week!