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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

New Assembly Sworn In

The new Assembly for 2009-2010 is now sworn in with Speaker Bass voted in again by acclamation.  [Assemblywoman Lori Saldana will be the Speaker Pro Tem.]

For the last 13 hours there was no sworn Assembly so I hope you lived it up, during that time of no pending new regulation or tax legislation.  Speaker Bass is calling for a Special Joint session [Assembly and Senate] on budget issues, the revenue system, etc.  We’ll see when the special committees will convene.   State Treasurer Bill Lockyer will likely participate as well.  

Assembly rules were adopted, though over the objection of Republicans, by a straight party line vote of, get used to these numbers, 51-29.

Several members had new bills to ‘put over the desk’ today, trying to get a quick start.  Now the lobbyists have something to fret about over the Christmas break as they review the new bills….seemed like we just finished doing bills, the shortest recess in some time!   

Good luck to the new members of the Assembly and Senate.