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Meredith Turney

McClintock Doing Very Well in Unfriendly Counties

The McClintock campaign has very good news today: Tom is now up 1,283 votes. The most encouraging news of the day is that McClintock’s lead is increasing even in counties considered unfriendly to Republicans. Although the 4th CD is a predominantly Republican area, there are pockets of Democrat infiltration. The counties of El Dorado, Nevada and parts of Sacramento are areas expected to decrease McClintock’s lead, but when those counties reported their vote tallies today, McClintock’s lead increased.

Campaign insiders are pleased with the trend in the vote counting and very optimistic that McClintock’s lead will continue to surge.  The largest county in the district, Placer, is still counting (and will probably be the last to report final numbers) and is friendly territory for Tom McClintock. McClintock’s campaign is inching its way ever closer to certified victory…

2 Responses to “McClintock Doing Very Well in Unfriendly Counties”

  1. Says:

    Not to be a broken record, but any news on Tony Strickland?

    Thank You

  2. Says:

    Ms. Turney and Mr. Rego:

    There is MORE good news tonight, adding to Ms. Turney’s report.

    Updates today from Ventura and Santa Barbara counties boosted
    Tony Strickland’s lead to + 1,560 votes.

    You won’t see that info on the Secretary of State’s website since
    they inexplicably have ignored the Ventura county updates.