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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego

Solicitations for Winners and Losers… We know the local San Diego candidates and issues that won and lost, of course. But, what of the individuals, elected officials, organizations, consultants, etc. that were this election’s big winners and losers? Who had the most influence, good or bad, overtly or behind the scenes, and why? There are some obvious ones, perhaps. What of the lesser knowns? Send me those as well.

The final results will be subjective and my opinion, not necessarily based on the number of emails I receive, so no need to e-stuff the ballot box. But, I definitely will consider your opinion. However, you do have to send it to me in an email.

If you have a snappily-worded reason for your selection, I may use it in the final story. I promise to keep any entries anonymous, unless you let me know that I can quote you by name.

Send me your picks.

Day after "thoughts"… My Wednesday San Diego post on some of the hottest local races was cross-posted at Red County San Diego, where it has thus far generated over 90 comments, a veritable post-mortem shoot-out of finger-pointing, mixed in with some thoughtful entries.  To be fair, it wasn’t the content of my post that caused the surge of opinions, it was simply the best place to have the debate, apparently.  Read the comments here, at your risk.

Out of Work Attorney?… Arguably the biggest race in the area, the San Diego city attorney dust-up, saw Judge and fomer GOP Assemblyman Jan Goldsmith knock off the volatile Mike Aguirre in a landslide.  The anonymous Vito Andolini at Red County can’t help some parody, it seems.  See the photo.

But, Seriously… Scott Lewis at does a great analysis on Aguirre’s fall from "people’s attorney."  Read "The City Attorney’s Opera — a Civic Tragedy."

More Tolerance… Thanks to the SFSU College Republicans for posting this video to Facebook.  I won’t even editorialize.  Watch it here.

What can I say?…just, please have a good week.


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