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Jon Fleischman

Who will replace Bob Huff as Republican Caucus Chairman?

Over lunch today, the "incoming" Assembly Republican class (which will apparently number 30) will gather over lunch to hold their biennial organizational meeting.  Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines will be re-elected to lead his caucus — a strong statement from the GOPers that their resolve against raising taxes in Californians is still strong.  In fact, according to our sources, Villines has made a rock-solid opposition to new taxes a cornerstone to his re-election pitch to his colleagues.

So the biggest question that may be resolved at lunchtime today will not be who will lead Assembly Republicans — but rather who will be Villines’ top Lieutenant going into the new legislative session.  Since Villines ascended to his perch, his Caucus Chairman was Bob Huff, who has now been elected to the State Senate. 

Unlike the post of Leader, which is elected by the caucus, the position of Caucus Chairman is "named" by the Leader.  Who will Villines pick?  Well, we here at the FlashReport have a pretty good idea…  But, we make it a point, whenever possible, to NOT mettle into the specifics of intra-caucus politics. 

But you can be sure we’ll let you know when it’s official.