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James V. Lacy

Debra Bowen, the “hangin'” Secretary of State; how Ohio handles Obama voter fraud

There is now direct evidence of voter fraud by the Obama campaign.  Yesterday’s New York Post reports "thirteen campaign workers for Barack Obama yesterday yanked their voter registrations and ballots in Ohio after being warned by a prosecutor that temporary residents can’t vote in the battleground state."  The article can be found here.
It is very interesting and relevant to California that the Ohio authorities treated the false residential voter registrations of the errant migrant Obama workers in a manner that allowed them to withdraw their fraudulent registration applications and even their ballots without further incident.   In contrast, poor Mark Jacoby, a scapegoat of grandstanding Democrat California Secretary of State Debra Bowen, was secretly indicted by a Los Angeles County grand jury and arrested by nine police officers, amid a media flourish without a doubt intended to blunt claims against Democrats for voter fraud activities.  Jacoby’s crime was that he also provided an allegedly "false" residence on his voter registration, but in contrast to the Obama workers in Ohio, he did not actually vote.   

I believe the Ohio authorities handled the matter rather leniently in the case of these 13 Obama scofflaws.   I think that "outing" the activity and correcting it before the vote is cast or counted is the point of it all, and that indictments should be reserved for widespread conspiracies (such as claims being made against ACORN).   I also believe Bowen and company have abused the tools at their disposal by dealing with Jacoby with the most lethal legal weapons in their arsenal,  in what is essentially a political "show trial" more reflective of a totalitarian regime than the United States.