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Jon Fleischman

Assemblyman Mike Duvall supports Domestic Violence?

Democrat John MacMurray is hoping that a tsunami-sized Obama wave washes across California, and even into the very Republican 72nd Assembly District in Orange County.

MacMurray, the Democrat nominee facing off against incumbent Assemblyman Mike Duvall (pictured), has dropped a full color mailing (see links below to piece) where he bangs on the Republican for a host of "bad" votes, one of which implies that Duvall opposes "Domestic Violence Protection."

On one hand, you might say that it would have to be a terrible year, indeed, for a Republican in this VERY Republican seat to lose.  Then again, some pundits are predicting a very bad year for the GOP.  MacMurray is counting on it.  That said, Duvall’s got deep pockets.  Makes you wonder if, in this particular year, he’ll reach in a fund a few mailers.  He is, after all, in the insurance business.

As a funny aside, this website Publisher was amused to see MacMurray touting the endorsement of liberal Democrat Assembly Speaker Karen Bass.  You see, Duvall, along with his GOP colleagues in the Assembly, refused to stand up and cast NO votes against Bass’ election as Speaker.  I guess her appreciation for Duvall’s kind gesture to Bass doesn’t apply in the world of hardball elective politics…