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James V. Lacy

Ohio Voter Fraud — and I’m there…….

     In the midst of our own election in California and with a workload that would rival the weight of Agamemnon’s armor, I am nevertheless in Columbus, Ohio, the state capitol for a few days, and there is no escaping full-blown court room political drama.  More than 200,000 "voters" here will be required to cast "provisional" rather than regular ballots as a result of a Federal Court order that attempts to reconcile huge discrepancies between the secretary of state’s voter rolls and the actual voter roles of local election officials.  Fast at work here have been ACORN and other Democratic voter registration groups that have been accused for vote rigging.  Apparently, one individual here was registered to vote 72 different ways by these "do-gooders."  In a tight, heavily campaigned swing state, that could make a difference.  It looks like Florida all over again, but a midwest version, in this current Presidential election.

     There is an underlying dirt to this election coming from the Obama supporters.  Enemies lists.  Threatening anonymous letters to Republican activists.  Voter fraud.  I predict we will hear more, as they will apparently stop at literally nothing to ensure their guy wins, whether he needs the sleazy help or not.

One Response to “Ohio Voter Fraud — and I’m there…….”

  1. Says:

    What are we doing about the other 49 states and DC?

    Sorry, I meant “56” states…