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Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Chris Lauer – “The ‘Liberal’-tarian Party of Death”

Today I am quite pleased to present this special guest commentary from long-long time FR friend Christopher Lauer…  Flash

The "Liberal"-tarian Party of Death
By Chris Lauer 

Recently, I had an interesting political discussion with an old friend who is a proud, card-carrying member of the Libertarian Party.  He was urging me with great enthusiasm to vote Libertarian in this year’s presidential election. 

I explained to him that while I have sympathy for the Libertarian Party (and consider myself somewhat of a libertarian); I could not associate my family’s name with it as long as the Libertarian Party platform includes support for abortion.  In essence, this platform sanctions using of the full police power of the state to guarantee a person’s right to kill human babies at any time during their first nine months of life (in utero), and I find this barbaric position to be completely inconsistent with any claim of liberty. 

Libertarian Party platform Section 1.4 reads:"Abortion: … we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration."

Our liberty supercedes the authority of the state, and the state does not have the competency to dispense or withhold it in the same fashion as food stamps. My well-meaning friend had always believed that defending a woman’s right to end her child’s life was fully consistent with the cause of liberty.  I offered to him the shocking proposition that the Libertarian Party, in its current form, had devolved into being an advocate of the most diabolical form of authoritarianism.  Of course, I had to spend a few cycles during this conversation assuring him that my view of liberty is perfectly consistent with a secular view of natural law and does not rely on, nor is it limited to, my Roman Catholic faith.

The Libertarian Party generally and correctly believes that government has a legitimate duty to protect human life; however, it misses the logic boat completely by ceding to the state the authority to determine that defendable life begins some time other than at its beginning. 

With the stroke of a government pen, the state—through one of it’s more maniacal tentacles: the Supreme Court—declared itself the sole arbiter of whose life is worthy of defense.  By enshrining this flawed ideology into its official platform, the Libertarian Party rejects our Founding Fathers who so boldly declared: that we are each endowed by our Creator with a liberty that is unalienable.

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Guest Commentary: Chris Lauer – “The ‘Liberal’-tarian Party of Death””

  1. Says:

    While the Republican party’s stance on abortion nationally may make national political sense, it certainly has been disastrous within California for the past decade or more.

    CA Republicans have run themselves into the ground and made themselves unelectable to statewide office due to this. They’re gonna have to STFU about this if they ever hope to get any more seats or any statewide offices; it’s a completely losing stance in CA.

    CA R’s stance on abortion raises my taxes and takes away my guns in CA because it renders Republicans well-nigh unelectable in CA. I don’t know what drugs the CA Repub. leadership ingests, but they certainly must be strong enough to induce a lemminglike departure from
    reality and full-on charge into state political irrelevance.

    For the record, I’m not proabortion and fairly antiabortion (at least after 2mos). But I know when a cause is lost: R’s will never get enough votes (already declining due to demographics) in Orange County & SoCal areas to make up for other areas that are vituperatively against the R’s stance. As time goes on it will only harden.

    Bill Wiese
    San Jose CA