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Shawn Steel

Who wants to win the most?

To get a glimpse inside the Obama phenomena a Zack Exley, a true believer, walks us through the Ohio Obama grass roots organization. Republicans who care should turn green with envy and respect to the intense organizational  mastery achieved by Obama’s team.

I’ve heard bits and pieces about these grass roots activists. But here is the report from the Left’s trenches as they face our battlegrounds. This amazing piece comes from former Republican theoretician Arianna Huffington’s, her Post.

With only a few days before the election we see growing reports about Obama’s mysterious  and poorly documented past. He could have moved anywhere to begin his political career in 1985.  But he chose Chicago,  among the strongest democrat machines in America. He worked as a "community organizer" until leaving for Harvard Law School in 1988. During those years in the south-side working as an organizer usually meant learning about the theory and practice of Saul Alinsky [1909 to 1972]. Alinsky is considered the father of "community organizing".  Obama "organized" the same area that Alinsky did in the 1920’s, the Back of the Yards neighborhood, make famous by Upton Sinclare’s The Jungle. Later notorious groups like ACORN emerged, to continue "organizing" as direct descendants from Alinsky in-your-face tactics.

One would hope that all the work by Alinsky, Obama and ACORN would finally get the south-side "organized". Sadly, It still remains one of the most crime ridden deteriorating areas in America. But it sure elects lots of Democrats.

Obama must have absorbed the radical community organizing skills like a sponge. It should be no surprise that his national campaign deeply embraces the block by block canvassing for votes. Hillary had no idea what she was facing until it was too late. Republicans are beginning to pay attention. 

The Left is power hungry. They are angry. The Left sees its once in a lifetime chance for amassing more national power since FDR’s election of 1932. They will take no prisoners. 

What makes the Left so potent this year?  We have to answer the question…

Who wants to win the most?