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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: An Evening Spent With Hundreds Honoring Senator Jim Battin…

If anyone has any doubt about whether Vegas-style Casino gambling is thriving here in California, just take a trip as a I did last night to the Agua Calliente Casino and Hotel on Bob Hope Drive in Rancho Mirage.  It is a beautiful facility, and based on the capacity crowd jammed into their casino, the dip in the economy isn’t hurting them a bit.  Maybe everyone who is pulling their money out of the stock market is “investing” in blackjack, roulette or in some of the thousands of slot machines that sang in harmony as Assemblyman-Elect Jeff Miller and I avoided the whole gambling scene (a statement of self- acknowledgment of our lack of gambling skills) and made our way to a large ballroom at the back of the resort where Jeff and I joined a few hundred other people for an evening tribute honoring the retirement of one of California’s most effective and respected Republican legislators (who also happens to be a blogger for this website).

State Senator Jim Battin has been one heck of a great legislator, and last night Jim, surrounded by his family, was the guest of honor as a huge dinner banquet that both honored his service to the people of California as an Assemblyman and as a Senator, but also raised thousands of dollars for Shelter for the Storm, a local charity that helps the victims of domestic violence (the photo is of Battin with a volunteer from the Shelter).

I really don’t have the column-space to make a long list of the VIPs that gathered for this wonderful evening – suffice it to say that there were federal, state, county and local officials, leaders in the civic and business communities, and just a ton of appreciative people.  It was impressive.  Jeff and I had the good fortune to sit with Assemblyman (and soon to be State Senator) John Benoit and his wife Sheryl, Melissa Garcia (the daughter of retiring Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia) and the entire Gary Jeandron family (Jeandron, as FR readers know, is locked in a battle to succeed Garcia in the 80th Assembly District). 

**There is more – click the link**

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2 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: An Evening Spent With Hundreds Honoring Senator Jim Battin…”

  1. Says:

    Thank you Jon for the very kind words.

    Last night was a wonderful memory I will cherish for the rest of my life.

    Thank you to my terric staff for serving me and the constituents of the 37th District with such great professionalism and loyalty for the past 14 years.

    Thank you to the voters (my neighbors) who allowed me to represent them in Sacramento. It has been a true honor.

  2. Says:

    Senator Battin has been a strong supporter of the Califorina National Guard since he entered office 14 years ago. Many readers will remember that Guard troops were ordered to state active duty to protect bridges and airports. What is not widely known is that Governor Davis forbid the troops from having ammo for their weapons while performing this duty. It was
    Senator Battin who confronted the former governor and got the troops the ammo that the they needed to protect us and defend themselves. Battin stepped up to secure funding for our 100 armories that are falling apart. Governor Davis struck again and vetoed a bi-partisan bill the Senator crafted thus denying funds for the repair of these essential facilites. Instead of taking no for an answer he joined with the Guard and helped push an effort for ” Adopt A Armory” program in his district. Both armories were refurbished with private funds and with local community support. Six consecutive years he fought for education assitance funds for guard members in exchange for their service. After the bill got out of commitee, democratic leadership killed it, even when the bill passed committe with support from both sides of the aisle. Battin was so concerned that prior National Guard leadership was a disaster at the State Headquarters, he worked with the administration and the Rules Committe in selecting a special panel to review the appointment of the Adjutant General. Major General Wade would earn confirmation after extensive background and examination and has become one of the finest Adjutant Generals in our nation and has the respect of Army & Air Guard leaders and troops statewide. Battin’s commitment to the Guard landed him a flight aboard the F-16 Falcon Fighter jet assigned to the Frenso Air Guard. Battin hung in with the best of them and did not loose his lunch as he went inverted! Senator Battin is owed a great debt for his servie and for cutting thru the BRAVO SIERRA in Sacramento.He has earned the respect of the Califrina National Guard soliders and airmen. One of his last bills was one to honor the service of all veterans serving in law and fire uniformed service, thanks to Jim it is now ok for veteranss of the armed forces ,working for the state, to proudly display their decorations on those state uniforms during special holidays. Senator you will be missed and thank you for being a champion for 20,000 plus troops and their families in your 14 years of service. You will not be forgotten. Sincerely, Col. Tom Freeman, (CA), Ret. & Executive Board Member of the National Guard Assoication of California