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Meredith Turney

Department of Public Health Amends Marriage Licenses to Include “Bride” and “Groom” Again

Last week Pacific Justice Institute announced that it would sue the government on behalf of a Roseville couple whose marriage license was denied by the state for writing “bride” and “groom” on their same-sex-marriage-friendly license. Apparently the Department of Public Health didn’t want to remind voters of this major loss to heterosexual couples (the vast majority of those married) and announced on Friday that starting November 17, the marriage licenses will once again include “bride” and “groom.” However, each party will have the chance to choose their title, as “bride” and “groom” is an available option for each person. 

It seems like every part of the government is tinkering with marriage these days—despite the people’s clear decision in favor of traditional marriage. The highest court overturns Proposition 22, the governor publicly denounces Proposition 8, the attorney general rewrites the ballot language to bias voters, and then the Department of Public Health alters marriage forms to “comply” with the new definition of marriage. 

Proposition 8 is California’s opportunity to once again remind our government officials that we—not they—are in charge here. We will no longer be hostages to their agenda for a liberal paradise (quite an oxymoron) in the Golden State. This latest government charade regarding marriage should remind voters of what we’re fighting for on Election Day. It’s not just marriage, but the people’s ability to hold our government accountable.