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Shawn Steel

Abandoning Michigan? No way says Sarah.

Either it’s a classic pr bungle or a brilliant covert strategy. Superficially it appears that the McCain team’s very public but unprecedented announcement, McCain  was "abandoning" Michigan cannot be seen as a sigh of of strength. All polls during the summer months showed a close race. In fact, the Michigan GOP raised an unprecedented $8,000,000 the strongest effort in memory.  The state Chairman himself was not informed. He read about the evacuation in the press. 

Still, it must be a McCain campaign ruse. Let the Obama folks think they got a state where they lost badly to Hillary. 

Just today Sarah Palin was quoted in writing an e-mail " Oh come on, you know, do we have to? Do we have to call it there?  Todd and I, we’d be happy to get to Michigan…I want to try."

Looks like we have a solution. Send Sarah to win.