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Matt Rexroad

Obama and Biden — Yes on Prop 8

Last night I took a break to eat dinner and watch the Vice Presidential debate.  Things were cruising along until we got to same sex marriage. When they did, I nearly fell out of my chair.

I support Proposition 8.  For me, marriage is clearly defined as between one man and one woman.  That is my view.  In Yolo County, that puts me in the extreme minority.  There are people that think less of me for my views on this topic but that is ok.

Well, guess what?  Last night I clearly heard Senator Biden say that he and Senator Obama support a definition of marriage that is very similar to mine.

I welcome their endorsement of Prop 8 which simply states exactly what Senator Biden said last night.  Maybe we will see them at one of the Yes on 8 walks that will be going on all over California in the coming weeks. 

The principles of Prop 8 are supported by the California Republican Party, California Republican Assembly, Senator Joe Biden, and Senator Obama.  What a team.

4 Responses to “Obama and Biden — Yes on Prop 8”

  1. Says:

    All Prop 8 would do if passed is declare that “only marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized in California.” It says nothing about other benefits the state may extend to same-sex couples. For anyone who claims to oppose same-sex marriage, the only intellectually honest position is to support Prop 8.

  2. Says:

    Did you get the impression that Sarah Palin opposed Prop. 8?

  3. Says:

    No. I did not.

    She clearly articulated her definition too. It is the same as Biden, Obama, and McCain.

  4. Says:

    You could be correct because she clearly did say that she believed that marriage was between a man and a woman and she did not want the law to go beyond that.

    On the other hand she seemed very sympathetic to gay couples in the debate saying that she agreed with Biden’s statement that there should be no distinction between same sex and heterosexual couples on a constitutional or legal basis.

    Beyond that, several newspapers including Reuters are reporting that Sarah Palin has told them that she supports extending legal protections to gay couples beyond those that are currently in the law (without specifying how) and has said that that neither she or the government should be judging how someone conducts their private life.

    On the other hand, she does have some more conservative statements on record any may be where most people would assume she was with her religious background. But from my reading I am not sure anyone knows her views on the issue for sure.

    A couple of years ago Sarah Palin vetoed a bill that would have denied same sex couples employee benefits and after she caught some political flack from her base justified her veto by saying the Supreme court had ruled the measure was unconstitutional but that she would support a ballot measure to let the people give her guidance on what they thought the law should be.

    I suspect that statement sums up her real view. I don’t think she has strong feelings on the issue either way, but would like to see it get settled for some period of time.