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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: California’s Budget – Everyone Is A Winner AND A Loser

As Governor Schwarzenegger prepares to sign the California State Budget, we hear at the FlashReport are prepared to say that everyone involved in the process were winners AND losers.

The winners:

Legislative Republicans, led by Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill and Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines, draw a bright line in the sand and said that the problems caused by massive over-spending in state government WILL NOT be resolved by increasing taxes on Californians.  In the face of Democrats who made as a top priority a hike in the state’s income taxes, and a Governor of their own party pushing a multi-billion dollar sales tax increase, GOP legislative solidarity won the day. 

**There is more – click the link**

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2 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: California’s Budget – Everyone Is A Winner AND A Loser”

  1. Says:

    What a CROCK this article is…. the Republicans rolled over like Rin Tin Tin playing Kick The Can pushing the problem down the road to the next fiscal year.The budget increased again, little cuts in anything and the FINE WINE, EXOTIC TRIPS, overtime for cops and firemen and guards continues and gov. workers still spike pensions with impunity.

    I guess Per Diem and a fat salaries are more important than courage, conviction and leadership….

    Republicans in California Legislature are again lapdogs for the socialists….

  2. Says:

    While I normally agree with Jon, Robert nailed in this time. I’d like to see a total break down of all of the perks our dear elected officials get. While cutting that would provide a small savings, I believe we need to make them understand reality and that their perks really aren’t part of the job. I’d like them all to drive small government cars and if they would like to drive a bigger vehicle, then it comes out of their personal pocket.

    It’s a thought, but then I’m probably dreaming because they would never allow their perks to be cut. Didn’t their leadership during the budget mess show all that they deserve all that they can get??