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Jon Fleischman

Former LA Mayor Riordan, a GOPer, endorses Obama, because “he’s young…”

Former Los Angeles Mayor, Republican Richard Riordan has reached to the far left side of the political spectrum to endorse Barack Obama

Here is what Riordan specifically has to say — "I think he [Obama] is a much more open person.  He’s young   He has more energy, more electricity. When I was Mayor, I had dealings with McCain where I didn’t respect him."

But don’t take my word for it, you can see the video from KCAL9 in Los Angeles here, where Riordan attended Obama’s big bling-bling Hollywood fundraising event with Barbra Streisand.

2 Responses to “Former LA Mayor Riordan, a GOPer, endorses Obama, because “he’s young…””

  1. Says:

    USC football coach Pete Carroll made a similar point when he was asked who he was voting for. He said that he was fascinated by the election and read everything he could on the candidates and added that because of his profession he had the chance to discuss the choices with people who knew a lot of the inner workings of what goes on in Washington and that everyone he talked to said either candidate would do an excellent job and that we were lucky to have such great options.

    Carroll then added that given roughly equal and well qualified choices, he preferred the younger person because he thought that could help inspire more young people into getting more involved instead of thinking they couldn’t make a difference and being apathetic. I think that’s a valid line of thinking and would say kudo’s to Carroll and to Riordan who is basically saying the same thing.

  2. Says:

    Tom! By your, Pete’s and Riordan’s calculation, German voters should have elected the 43 year old youthful and energetic Adolf Hitler President, instead of the 85 year old Paul Von Hindenburg in the runoff election in 1932.

    And I highly doubt McCain will put Obama in his cabinet after the election………